Selling remix CDs...

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.
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Selling remix CDs...

Post by GeckoYamori »

I have decided that one day, when I have made enough quality remixes I want to put them on a CD and sell it on the net, but then of course there's the question about licensing issues, I've never done this before. Since there is already such a broad selection of albums available I guess the original composers are perfectly fine with it, but there are still royalties, right?
Chris Abbott
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Post by Chris Abbott »

If you don't use samples, you'd just have to apply for a licence to NCB...

Anyway, you'd apply for a mechanical pressing licence, and NCB in your country would bill you according to the number of copies you were authorising. That would make your CD legal to sell, and the money would get back to the composers: quite directly, since most of them are members of the Swedish collection agencies :)

In theory you also have to get permission from the publishers or composers if your work is a substantially different treatment to the original, but no one really care much about that in the C64 world.

When you want to do this, just let me know what's on your CD and I'll advise you.

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Post by GeckoYamori »

Yeah, thanks for clearing some things up. But it'll probably be a year at the very least before I'd be even remotely finished with an album :)
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