
Updates to charts calculation

Dear arrangers and listeners, observant visitors might have noticed that we have changed the way our charts are calculated. The aim is to stabilise results, and to encourage non-anonymous voting.

Our philosophy so far has always been that each vote should have the same weight. We've reconsidered this, because time has indeed shown that the reasoning for extreme outliers usually has little merit. For example, from now on, one or two bad votes to an otherwise well-received tune will have nearly no impact on the result. The same goes for the other way round: few Outstanding votes will not save an otherwise sub-average tune. All existing charts have been recalculated based on this model. While the resulting percentages have changed several points, the overall order hasn't changed that much, since almost all of the tunes were subject to outlying good or bad votes, thus neutralising the effect.

As for anonymous voting: we can not and will not force people to publish their votes period. However, we do offer new incentives to encourage submitting a shout or a review: Submitting a shout will double the impact of your vote. Submitting a full review will triple the impact of your vote. This works for newly submitted shouts and reviews only.

We hope this new model satifies both listeners and arrangers, and will help to keep the charts alive and interesting.

Please refer to the attached article and discussion thread for further information.

- LMan