Mongo Erectus - Comic Bakery

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If Aphex Twin did a C64 remix, it would probably sound like this.
WTF? All the instruments are distorted? ! Sounds like the speakers have been tortured!
Errr.... If my headphones arent completely out of order this is just amazing... Amazing shit!!! Mr. RKO seem to love distortion... OMG....
If your speakers aren't broken yet, this remix will do it. Sounds like "double-the-volume-and-dont-care-about-clipping". The drums are WAY too prominent, the arrangement is boring and repeating, and it has increased the size of my trashfolder by 7. 6 MB.
Is this a genre? Distortion? If the instruments werent distorted it would still only maybe be a pretty average remix.
Gave a green, although I enjoyed it. Nothing to listen to twice, nothing that impressed me, but that one-time enjoyment partially saved this.
I thought my head set was broken. Please don't do something like that again. Ever.:(
This does not do it for me.... Sorry....
The mix is terrible, ruins everything.
Worst remix of the year? No wait, but still bad.
Sounds like you sampled the c64 samples - and to be honest the only thing comic about it is the quality - sorry - doesnt do anything for me
I like it. The bass could do with coming down a bit, but still it is a groovy tune.
Like mentioned above... Sorry
I actually like it, mostly because of the bass and the originality of the sound.
The distortion may be original but that doesn't warrant a plus. It just sounds like something muddy being played through a broken speaker.
Too distorted but could have become quite interesting
Nice distortion & lofi, but it is missing some balls and yet too long...
WTF, you forgot to distort the bass!!!:-)
Way too much distortion and clipping for my taste (if it was an artistic choice and not a mistake). Boring instruments, so-so arrangement.
Holy shit! I had to get my speakers from my neighbours garden after listening to this, distorted beyond belief.
Well, it's a little bit chatter like, but I like it anyway. This intepretation reminds me rather to a factory than just a bakery, may be assembly line production?:)
No no no NO!
I don't get this. And it's hurting both my ears and speakers. *turns off*
Nice tune variation but its much repeating and distortion comes too hard. Anyway thumbs up for style.
You really are master for distorsion... But it hurts my ears.
Martin Galway would attack you with a 1541 drive if heard this, best to delete it.
Awful, my headphones are asking for mercy
-1 RMS?
Sorry, but this is horrible. I think Mongo's remixes are kind of underrated, but this one rapes my ears
Review by LMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Interesting approach, although it's kind of overdone with the bit-crushing and distortion: it initially might make you wonder if the destroyed sound was intentional or an unfortunate accident during the mixdown.

The second part from 2:48 onwards finds a better balance between distortion and distinguishable sounds: it doesn't try to do everything at the same time.

Overall, I would love to hear this with better execution and smarter use of the distortion effects. Thumbs up for daring something out-there with the oft-remixed Comic Bakery.