Gustav Taxén - Wizball (Electronica)

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Great original arr, one of my fav with Fby mix
Good try, people don't understand that
Very good
Rather a sound study than a tune! But I like its Wizball'ish-ness. Added to my collection.
Really weird but somehow good, even though there's hardly any wizball in it.
Pretty sure that I voted for this 1st time around, its absolutely FANTASTIC one of the most original idea's to have ever graced rko and gustav should be proud.
This man is a genious
Review by Tas


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And we have from Gustav a sensational and never heard before 3 minuite sound effect. Yes no music, but just a sound effect! but what a sound effect it is!!!!!

I'm a bit, nay alot perplexed by this, if this is music then i'll be a dog with one foot. No i don't understand this at all!

It really is just a great big long spacey sound effect. Erm, yes!
Review by goku


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NoT just a sound efect. While this is not a tune, it has a wonderful floating atmosphere. I wish it had been longer.
Review by eliot


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Does electronica means one 3:07 sweep? He may have titled it as Sanxion (Electronica) and I bet I would not listen any difference
Beside that I can not hear any music here, but Gustav showes us, what stereo means and technically it's perfect.
Review by tom


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Well, this would have been a great Introduction for any C64-remix tune… But since there is really NOT ANY WIZBALL in it at all, it get's a very green face from me as well!!
Review by hbasm


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I'd say this music is New Age and Gustav has got the hang of it. I don't think it's related to Wizball or the C64 however. But I think the idea here is to stimulate our fantasy. If you've ever heard of Jonn Serrie, you'll know he is considered to be the father of space music. I think he's very talented at using sound to connect us with the vast emptiness of space. Clever melodies and/or sound effects.

This remix of Wizball has potential but I think it still has a way to go. I see no connection to the C64 so it may also be slightly off-topics here.
Review by aries


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I like this track, a very original idea, although the filters are a little bit too harsh. You barely recognize the original sound material (the wizball arpeggios) from behind, but they're there .

This one is for my collection of tunes to listen to when I need something that can stay in the background.
Review by infamous


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I remember the arguments this caused when it was 1st released, not many people really got what was going on here.

This to me is the single most original piece of music on this entire site.. it also to me follows the guideline of remix far better than anyone else has EVER managed to so far. This should be a template for others in my opinion, to not be afraid to do something different, dont follow the herd like a sheep and make what YOU see as music.. some will get it some wont.

The idea which must have come around after taking far too much ketamine or something is a genius one, its the hunter S thompson of tunes, the andy warhol, the damien hurst.. whatever radical you might want to add into that list, it dares to be very different and is perfect for it.

Wizball is in there (its the main theme if you can't hear it) but its lost under layer after layer of sumptuous synth and pads, it starts as it means to go on, it reminds me in some ways of jarres stuff only far more minimal (and listenable.. sorry I bloody hate jarre.. posturing french twat stuck in a timewarp of the early 80's constantly trying to milk the last drips of his undeserved fame all showman with no show) and thought provoking, how many tunes on here are thought provoking? .. seriously.

I can totally understand why so many marked it down so low, its NOT a conventional piece of music and of course my opinion shouldn't be a reflection of what i think the entire scene should think, its just my opinion.. but this is the best tune on rko to me for being so bare, open to interpretation and for that.. beautiful.

Give it a listen and see if you can see the pretty face under the mask, you never know you might just like it.